Francophone films at the Lantarenvenster cinema in Rotterdam
With a special rate for members of the Alliance Française Rotterdam : 8,5€.
By Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles)
By Iris Kaltenbäck, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles)
By Alex Lutz, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles)
By Michel Gondry, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles)
By Jeanne Herry, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles)
Thomas Cailley, french movie (language : French and Dutch subtitles) Other francophone films in Rotterdam :
Cinerama Filmtheater : Une année difficile (Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano), Anatomy of a fall (Justine Triet), Jeanne du Barry (Maïwenn)
Kino : Le ravissement (Iris Kaltenbäck), Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet)